Abstract                     Back


Science today has been driven to place serious vetoes on the possibility of postulating certain «finalities» in the putting into practice of natural evolutionist dynamics.
       Evolutionary processes, left to themselves, are not capable of working towards the emergence of a predetermined objective, unless they call upon continuous «corrective intervention» in earthly events by means of «divine providential supervision» of every infinitesimal natural dynamic.
       In an indeterministic, evolutionist context the teleology of creation is not centred either on a particular living species or on the existence superior ethical values, which intervene, watch over, veto and sanction.
       No teleology had ever been able to coherently originate from a similar alliance among indeterminism, chaos and freedom.
       No teleology has ever been able to place the ontological relationship between God and man, between creator in the whole of creation into a framework like this. This represents a new milestone in human thought, quite undreamed of in all our past. A philosophic step of incommensurable importance.
        The distinction is centred around a dichotomic classification of the «theistic» universe, of religious beliefs, into two fundamental types: that of real 'religions' (systems which do not have moral divinities) and that of 'theo-eto-tomies' (a neologism meaning models where the divinity takes on all seeing and moral qualities, leading to a division - tomy - in the ethical sphere).
       We can demonstrate that the intrinsic quality of the «religious» models is that of being perfectly coherent with the physical and cosmological evolutionist-indeterministic conception, in particular with the evolutionist theories on the origin of man.
       In conclusion, this research proposes a conception of divinity, of God and of the human being, capable of putting forward a theological, anthropological and cosmological theory which is finally free from heavy ideological content which until now has always formed our ideas of God and divinity. This new approach is both objective and intelligible.

